Master of Computer Applications

The Master of Computer Applications (MCA) is a two year program that aims to equip graduates with the advanced tools, technologies, and applications in the IT industry to meet the constantly growing requirements of IT professionals.


Master of computer application syllabus includes subjects such as system management, management information system, system development, system development, networking, internet, application software, troubleshooting, and hardware technology.

Program outcomes:

Computational knowledge: Apply knowledge of computing, Mathematics, principles of accounting, management, and fundamentals of software engineering appropriate to the discipline.

Problem analysis: Identify and analyze problems and formulate the requirements appropriate to their solution.

Design Development of Solutions: Design, implement and evaluate a computer-based system to meet the desired needs.

Modern tool usage: Select and apply current trends, techniques, and modern tools that suit the computing requirements like UML diagrams.

Professional Ethics: Understand professional, ethical, security, and social issues, and work with appropriate societal and environmental considerations.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Create a culture that focuses on Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Individual and Teamwork: Work individually and in teams for the fulfillment of the desired task.

Societal and Environmental Concerns: Develop a system that meets the desired solutions considering societal and environmental processes.

Communication Efficacy: Communicate effectively across multidisciplinary teams to accomplish a common goal.

Life-long Learning: Build up the passion for continuing professional development.

Conduct Investigations of Complex Computing Problems: Conduct investigations and experiments to analyze and interpret data of complex applications to find a valid solution.

Communication Efficacy: Communicate effectively across multidisciplinary terms to accomplish a common goal.

Environment And Sustainability:  Understand the impact of the professional computing solution in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge and need for sustainable development.

Practical Knowledge: Practical knowledge, is an important part of technical education, and can be achieved by a well-equipped computer Laboratory. The Computer Laboratory is the basic component of the Institute’s infrastructure, providing a wide range of support to the students and faculties involved in research and other academic activities. The Laboratories provides the hands-on need of today’s industry requirements and what they learn in the classrooms.

Industries Hiring MCA Degree:

  • IT
  • Manufacture industries
  • E-Commerce industries
  • Biotechnology industries
  • Govt sectors
  • Networking
  • Data mining industries
  • Cyber Security
  • Electornics

Job vacancies for MCA Degree:

  • Software Developer
  • Hardware Developer
  • Software Consultant
  • IT Support
  • Web designer
  • Assistant Professor
  • Admin
  • Systems Manager
  • Network Manager


The Master of Computer Application is a doorstep to several opportunities, getting to work on diverse and extremely functional projects. The future for graduates in Master of Computer Application is exciting and highly rewarding. The Master of Application program prepares students to take op positions are system designers, system analysts, programmers, and managers in any field related.

After finish in their education, Master of Computer typically find employment in various areas, including government sectors, business, academic institutions, marketing organizations, engineering firms, etc.,