B.Tech - Computer and Communication Engineering

B.Tech in Computer and Communication Engineering aims at providing a strong foundation for the students aspiring for a career requiring skills from computer science and computer communications with an emphasis on communication and computing. The curriculum is designed to provide flexibility for students to opt for minor specialization offered by the department and online courses by reputed international universities


A computer and communication engineer is involved in many aspects of software and hardware computing as well as in the simulation, design, development and implementation of communication systems. The course focuses on core subjects in computer science, communication networks, cloud computing, and big data analytics.

Program outcomes:

Engineering knowledge: To apply the knowledge of mathematics, wisdom, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the result of complex engineering problems.

Ethics: To apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

Individual and Team: To function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and multidisciplinary settings.

Modern tool usage: To create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitation.

Innovative: Drives scientific and societal advancement through technological innovation and entrepreneurship.

Inspiring and Collaborative: To become a leader and a responsible citizen whose strengths come from an ability to draw on and contribute to diverse teams, expertise, and experiences.

Broadly Educated and Versatile: Able to draw upon foundational knowledge, learn, adapt and successfully bring to bear analytical and computational approaches to changing societal and technological challenges.

Cultural and Global Awareness: Recognize the applicability of computing and evaluate its impact on individuals, organizations, and global society.

Problem Solving: Identify problems and formulate solutions for systems and organizations while reconciling conflicting objectives and finding compromises.

Technical Expertise: Apply knowledge of computing and mathematics within technical domains.

Professional Practice: Evaluate and use appropriate methods and professional standards in computing practice.

Practical knowledge:

Practical knowledge, which is an important part of technical education, can be achieved by a well-equipped Computer Laboratory. The Computer Laboratory is a basic component of the Institute’s infrastructure, providing a wide range of support to the students and faculties involved in research and other academic activities. The Laboratories provides the hands-on need of today’s industry requirements and what they learn in the classrooms. Our curriculum includes a wide variety of subjects to enhance the practical knowledge of the students, which are listed below:

  • Electronics Devices & Circuit Lab
  • Communication Engineering Lab
  • Electronic Manufacturing Lab
  • Digital Electronic Lab
  • Electrical Engineering Lab

Industries Hiring for B. Tech Computer and Communication Engineering Degree Holders:

  • Software development
  • Computer communication-related industry
  • IOT based application industry
  • Sensor technology
  • Machine learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Big data analysis
  • Networking

Jobs vacancies for B.Tech Computer and Communication Engineering degree Holders:

  • Computational Intelligence
  • Computer Graphics and Visualization
  • Data Analytics
  • Cyber Security


Multiple career opportunities are available within the realm of electronics and communication engineering. Electronics and communication engineers in other sectors also include IT, power transmission companies, aviation, telecommunication, electronic media, and manufacturing. 
 After completing the course, students can also opt for M-Tech/MS in various subjects such as microelectronics and VLSI design, fiber optics and light waves, rf and microwaves, telecommunications, etc.