Top Engineering Universities in India

The best engineering colleges are those which have a strong reputation, good faculties, an excellent environment for students, ample facilities, and a high placement rate by top companies.

Check out the top features of top engineering colleges


Top engineering colleges provide great choices in terms of degree programs, and strength lies in imparting excellent coaching and guidance. Their faculty members have in-depth knowledge of the courses. The management of these top colleges helps students with their projects. Sponsors are willing to send students to the internship so that they could gain experience. The faculty and the management of advanced universities are willing to help the student based on the recommendation of the internship through advising.

Career guidance and placement

Looking for a good company to associate with can be achieved by searching the best colleges of engineering. Most leading technical companies recruit from the top colleges of engineering. By the time the student is in the final semester, they need to have a solid relationship with a leading company.

The colleges are eager to know what each applicant wants to excel in, and sometimes campus selection programs are conducted to help students learn from the college’s engagements and to discover the many different personalities departments from big companies have. Different personality development workshops enrich the experience of students and prepare them.

Extra-Curricular activities

Apart from academic studies, sports and extracurricular activities that help build character are conducted regularly. Students can pursue these activities and benefit from them. Developing their confidence and improving their personality will help them be better prepared for life as an adult.

Campus Environment

The university provides numerous facilities, and it recognizes that the importance of the student’s comfort goes a long way to making them proactive and dynamic. They offer placements and internships in multiple firms. The housing is well-planned, safe, and maintained. They have the latest facilities, especially for infrastructure and energy. The best meal of their day is prepared by updated chefs. The health and safety measures add to their comfort. There are attractive campus activities and proud alumni associations.

Top Engineering Universities in India

  • IIT, Delhi
  • IIT, Chennai
  • IIT, Kharagpur
  • Anna University, Chennai
  • IIT, Banglore
  • VIT, Vellore
  • Thapar University, Patiala
  • Jadavpur University
  • IIT, Hyderabad
  • IIT, Rourkela