B. Tech Computer Science and Business Systems

The B. Tech CS & BS is the correct choice for the students aspiring to be business leads in the IT industry, and they get well equipped and skilled as per the industry needs. Computer Science and Business System (CSBS) attracts many aspirants as the course fastens computation, design and deployment of programming languages, program design, hardware, software, problem solving skills with special mention to managerial skills.


This curriculum also aims to ensure that the students are exposed to emerging topics such as Analytics, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things etc along with the Management and human values to make them an ideal leader after four years of study.

Program outcomes:

Engineering knowledge: Graduates will be able to perform in technical and managerial roles by thorough understanding of contemporary technologies.

 Ethics: Aspirants will be able to demonstrate ethics and responsibility and have accumulated life values.

The Engineer and Society: To function effectively as an individual, and as a leader in technical and management teams, and multidisciplinary settings.

Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community as well as management society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give clear principles of management.

Modern tool usage: To create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, for both management and IT tools including prediction, modeling and outcomes to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the current market trends.

Innovative: Drives scientific and societal advancement through technological innovation and entrepreneurship.

Inspiring and Collaborative: To become a entrepreneur and a responsible citizen whose strengths come from an ability to draw on and contribute to diverse teams, expertise, and experiences.

Broadly Educated and Versatile: Able to draw upon foundational knowledge, learn, adapt and successfully bring to bear analytical, computational and management related approaches to changing societal and technological challenges.

Cultural and Global Awareness: Recognize the applicability of computing and evaluate its impact on individuals, organizations, and global society.

Technical Expertise: Apply knowledge of computing and mathematics within technical domains.

Professional Practice: Ability to gain deep knowledge in Computer Science with equal appreciation in humanities, management, sciences and human values.

Practical knowledge: Engaging lifelong learning and bestow innovative contributions to enhance research in the field of computer science and business system. Our curriculum includes a wide variety of subjects to enhance various technical and management skills for the student’s community emphasizing practical knowledge like:

  • Business Intelligence
  • Programming and Emerging Platforms
  • Innovation and Entrepreneur
  • Artificial Intelligence and data Science
  • Software Engineering
  • Database management system
  • Embedded Systems and process Automation
  • Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Networking and Security
  • Cloud Computing
  • Big data analysis

Industries Hiring B. Tech AI & ML Degree Holders:

  • National Informatics Centre
  • Education and Research Network(ERNET)
  • Software Technology parks of India
  • Business Intelligence Engineer
  • Research Scientist
  • Data analyst

Jobs vacancies for B. Tech CS & BS degree Holders:

  • Data Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • ML Engineer
  • AI Engineer
  • Business Intelligence Engineer 
  • Management Scientist
  • Data Annotation Expert


The Business sector’s growth has created attractive job prospects for CSBS professionals. The need for CS and BS professionals has grown in tandem with the rising number of job possibilities in both IT and Management industry.

After finishing their education, graduates will be able to perform in technical/ managerial roles ranging from design, development, problem solving to production in software industries and R&D sectors.